Hey, I would like to use unreal as a reference tool for drawing, rendering out still images. Is there a way to pose rigged characters directly in the editor?
what you are asking for (in engine) is the Sequencer
you can even save the poses/animations made with it as Playable Animations that can easily be converted to Anim_Montage
if you want. while working with the Sequencer for Posing: I would strongly suggest that you only ever work in rotations as Translations will cause stretching of the Mesh. Moving the Entire Skeletal Mesh would be fine.
the other option is to take the Skeletal Mesh and import it into a 3D modeling software (Like “Blender 3D
”) and then pose/animate it in that program, though because the default UE Maniquin rig was built in Maya which has very special ways of doing FBX Skeletal Rigs (it allows you to stretch the bones while animating them, while like a Blender Skeletal Rig in Blender only allows for pivoting the bones about the joints)