Posessing vehicle doesn't move it


I’m trying to mash together the MultiplayerShootout with vehicles and I’m banging my head against the walls. It seems that the DefaultPawn is possessing the vehicle, but it doesn’t apply vehicle-specific forces to it.

The camera rotation around the car works, the lights work, everything works besides the Set Throttle Input, Set Steering Input and Set Handbrake Input. The nodes execute properly, but the vehicle nodes do not.

This is the vehicle blueprint:

I haven’t even gotten to the multiplayer part yet to see if movement is replicated correctly to the clients, but that’ll come later I suppose.


Does the axis value change when you try to accelerate? This seems odd. Maybe bad configuration perhaps?

Yes, axis values change. Everything is good except Throttle/Steering/Handbrake.

What I noticed is that if I drop the car in a new level with the default GameMode, it works.

Here’s my modified GameMode:

EDIT: I thought I should mention that the vehicle itself doesn’t activate. If I place it higher on the Z axis, it doesn’t drop (physics for it doesn’t activate).

This thread can be maked as solved.

I created a new GameMode, GameState, PlayerController and PlayerState and I copied the blueprints from the old ones and presto! It worked.

Apparently, my GameState was a child of GameState, not GameStateBase, so be careful about what you’re inheriting. :smiley: