PoseAI Studio/PoseCam for Windows- new UE built tool for quick and easy motion capture recording

We are pleased to announce the public release of Posecam and PoseAI Studio for Windows.

  • stream or record real-time motion capture animations from a Windows webcam
  • full body capture including hands and face
  • MetaHuman compatible (plus some alternatives)
  • [NEW] directly record animations to .FBX (body) and blendshape .csv (face) files
  • [NEW] use most video files as input sources or a Windows webcam
  • Unlimited recording for one price and your source videos / animations all stay on your local PC.

The studio app was built with the Unreal Engine and directly visualizes the capture on a MetaHuman model. As of now the app is in the “Early Access” stage, so feedback is appreciated.

Plugin: UE Marketplace
App: Microsoft Store
Demo video: YouTube
FAQ: Our website

For creators who are users (current or previous) of our iPhone tool - the windows option may allow a more seamless experience, avoiding Firewall issues and needing a second device, although the iPhone may have a better camera than your computer. The additional functionality (i.e. record FBX) in the Studio should definitely help creators just looking to block out some animations in a simple manner.

There is a free 1 week trial of the app and we are aiming to keep the cost very low to support creators, hobbyists and developers (currently $14.99 for 1 year).

- Please Note -
Our underlying AI engine was designed for real-time player input from a single camera across platforms, and this remains our focus. While the studio app offers the ability to record animations, it is not intended to be a replacement for a multi-camera, professional motion capture studio experience. The animations are recorded in real-time, without post-processing or cleaning, and exactly corresponds to what a live player would provide as input using our embedded engine. We also do not calibrate the camera, the capture to the actor or the output to the avatar proportions.

In the future we may consider adding post-processing features or multi-camera input to further streamline the creator process.