Pose manipulation in game

hi guys, i would like to know if there is any way to pose my character but in-game, i mean the user can manipulate control rig or bones rotation in game. Select a handle or a joint and stablish certain position. Not in the editor, in game.
thank you guys :smiley:

Hello! As for modifying pose itself - there are many nodes for Animation Blueprint, so it is an easy part. More complex are bone selection, selected bone highlighting and bone manipulating parts…

thank you for your answer, it’s good to know that.
because on this am on baby steps; what kind of nodes would you use for this? not selection, just movement?
kind regards and i appreciate your help!

Take a look at this Using Layered Animations | Unreal Engine Documentation

thanks for your reply, yeah but that’s not what i mean, i know how to do that.
my goal is have a character on screen on T pose and the user with mouse should be able of taking his hand and pose the hand or neck or whatever and preserve that pose.
thanks anyway :smiley: