Portuguese Architect


I’m a recently graduated architect from , who’s taken a lot of interest regarding the usage of gaming engines for architectural visualization. I’ve familiarized myself with a different engine, the Unity engine, but I’ve recently became interested in using Unreal Engine instead, due to the very impressive presentation quality that it is apparently capable of providing. However, I have no expertise in Unreal Engine, and I’m not certain whether purchasing a subscription to be able to use the engine is a good investment or not, at least not yet since I have no idea how the engine works. I was wondering if it would be possible to gain access to some sort of free trial version of Unreal Engine so that I’d be able to test it, and eventually purchase a subscription once I’ve familiarized myself with the software better. The idea of using gaming engines as visualization and simulation tools for architects and engineers hasn’t yet been implemented in Portugal, for as far as I’m aware of, and I would like to be the first to do so.

I would also like to know something else. Autodesk, for example, has courses for official certification in their software, whether it be AutoCAD, 3D Studio Max, Revit or such. Are there such certification courses for Unreal Engine? And if yes, where can I take one?

Thank you very much for you attention. If there are any more details that you’d like me to provide you with, do let me know.

Best regards,

Try UDK first!

Caro Bruno Ruas…
Recomendo usar o UDK “Feb 2015” primeiro…

Download here:

Caro Bruno,
Força, faça por si o que a sua escola (e todas em Portugal que queiram ensinar o que é relevante no sé■■■■ onde estamos) devia ter feito…
Já deve saber que desde 2 do corrente que o UE4 é gratuito para criação não-comercial (https://www.unrealengine.com/blog/ue4-is-free)! Portanto já pode começar a aprendizagem diretamente sem custo (financeiro).
Mas a curva é grande, e pode ser feita, com a ajuda da vasta comunidade que a Epic Games reuniu em torno deste extraordinário
GE. A Epic não tem programa de certificação mas há várias universidades europeias que têm há muto cursos introdutórios e
avançados sobre/usando o UE4 e/ou architecture visualization (ver p.ex. https://www.unrealengine.com/academic-partners). Os mais perto são em Espanha, mas recomendo as no UK e o *e-learning * da SCAD (http://www.scad.edu/academics/programs/interactive-design-and-game-development). Mas se os preços o «assustarem», encontra bons livros de iniciação (sobretudo à v3) na Amazon UK, ou na documentação online (https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/). Felicidades, está no bom caminho.

olá bruno. ola rui. se precisarem de aJuda com assets de unreal engine, principalmente audio, terei todo o gosto em contribuir, numa base de royalties sharing, ou paid work. atenciosamente.