Porting the PMC slicer to the RMC

As a super quick background… My component the RuntimeMeshComponent (RMC) which I released several months ago on both github and through the marketplace is effectively a improved version of the ProceduralMeshComponent (PMC) found in the engine. I have re-implemented most of the features, rewriting/improving as I went.

The one remaining major feature that is being widely requested by people is to port the PMC’s slicer that James Golding wrote out to the RMC. I don’t want to start over and re-implement that part, and instead would like to directly port the slicer to the RMC. That brings up one major question. Is there any way I can do this within the licensing restrictions and/or with permission from Epic? This component is still solely for UE4 and it will never move to another platform, but it can be found in a public repo here… GitHub - TriAxis-Games/RuntimeMeshComponent: Unreal Engine 4 plugin component for rendering runtime generated content.


You’re not allowed to put a portion of UE4 in a public GitHub repo.

Yeah, I’m not sure what I was thinking when I asked that. So I’ll start over…

I would like to port the PMC’s slicer, which is engine code, out to my RMC. Now like you said I can’t put it in a public repo, but if I were to use a locked repo like a engine fork to publish it, is that something I can do? Also can this be pushed to the marketplace? Both cases would restrict access to valid licensees, but that still leaves the part of whether even with that restriction if I can port engine code to my own component.

If there’s a different way that I can do it, I’m open to that as well!


So you could include it as a fork of the UnrealEngine GitHub network, or use the Marketplace. If you’re interested in submitting to the Marketplace, please take a look here.

You can put it in a private/locked repo, but that doesn’t solve the publishing part because we don’t have a good way right now for you to check whether the person on the other side is a licensee.