I’m trying to make a few portals that when you run through it, triggers a hit box. Once the hitbox is triggered, it pops a widget up and disables the players movement. The widget will have a select number of places to teleport your character, based on the selection that you choose. It’ll teleport you to the new portal enabling movement again.
I’ve been stuck on how I can achieve this, currently I can’t seem to figure out how to get the button in widget BP to get a reference for the teleport node in the Portal BP, and find the vector.
Will this work for a button widget? To have a portal selected, then teleport. It looks like this just uses the hitbox then teleports you, without selection.
oh right, forgot that. Then I would use the Event Hit to create the widget, and then use the widget to cast the new transform to the actor.
Don’t forget to use “Get Owning Player” as object to cast to