Populating scene with cars using Unreal engine blueprint

I am an ArchViz Artist. I am looking for a quick/easy solution because I am not a coder at all.
I need to fill parking lot with different cars.
I have prepared 26 cars in 3ds max for repetitive usage. Now imported into UE all set zero. Then I have imported all planes(Not one mesh) as on object via Datasmith into UE 5.4, I am able to just drag any car’s static mesh on to any single Plane selected by dragging the car into Static Mesh box of Plane. I need to do 100 of cars because its a big commercial society with hundreds of cars need to show parked. I can keep doing it but it will take a day or so.
Any solution to prepare an easy BP in UE to use it anytime to replace any random car or any house(in future) to populate the whole scene whether its parking lot, housing scheme or vegetation. I had been doing it so easily in 3ds max with chaos scatterer and in Isotropix Clarisse(sadly company closed forever) using scatterer and point cloud.
I need a desperate help.
Thanks in advance

You can do an old school blueprint, or if you have time I would recommend learning the PCG (procedural generation system) in Unreal engine. It is basically railclone meets forest pack. I am currently working on a PCG that does exactly what Forest pack does for adding cars, but it’s not quite ready yet.