I have a list of words that I would like to put into a String Array using BP. Is there a way to import my .txt file full of words to populate the array so I don’t have to manually add each one?
Thank you.
I have a list of words that I would like to put into a String Array using BP. Is there a way to import my .txt file full of words to populate the array so I don’t have to manually add each one?
Thank you.
Not directly, Bluprint don’t provide file editing by default, primerly for security reasons. But you can use config system and store the words in INI file
Make array of strings and the click in varbale list, in properties oyu will have option to set varable as config, when you enable it, hover over config option and it will give you information on tooltip where it will be stored (which INI file and which section), and then add them to ini, look on different variable to see how array is stored.
Blueprint support for config is little bit stiff, as it only automatically load config and set variable on object creation. C++ gives more option with ability to manually load and save as well as more deeper INI editing with GConfig. And ofcorse in C++ you can load any files on your own.
You could check out data tables as well, Create a struc, and generate a data table off of that, place the words in the data table, how ever you wish. Then read the rows in, and assign the strings to your array.