Populate Foliage palette from InstancedFoliageActor

I’ve written a Blueprint that converts an InstancedFoliageActor (that object in the scene that contains the result of using the paint tools in Foliage Mode) into a regular actor with HISM components. This works fine, I can now have multiple such objects in my scene and show/hide them as needed etc. After making such a copy and deleting the original InstancedFoliageActor, the Foliage Mode palette is now reset/empty. It would be nice to be able to select one of my HISM actors and convert/copy it back to an InstancedFoliageActor (easy actually) and populate the Foliage Mode palette with these static meshes and instances (not so easy…) Does anyone know how to do this? When Googling I found this resource, but it seems convoluted and hard to understand:

For anyone wondering, I did get it working, starting from the example linked above. It seemed unnecessary to have to create Static Mesh Foliage assets when you don’t really have to do this when you add foliage items manually, but at least it works, and the assets are small and only added once.

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