In an empty project I barely even break 30FPS. In a project with a single room, I get 8-15 FPS. Not even going to attempt opening anything more complex. This is even after following the following advice.
Change some console variables (e.g. in output log or in consoelvariables.ini):
r.MSAA.CompositingSampleCount 1
r.Editor.NewLevelGrid 0
Try disabling real-time mode and lowering the Engine Scalability Settings.
Your issue is that you don’t have a graphics card. You’re running on whatever bare-bones onboard the 2020m gives you - which is probably a lower standard than the onboards provided with the mainstream ‘core’ series. The only solution is to acquire more suitable hardware.
I’m surprised it runs at all, to be honest.
Edit: I had a rummage and confirmed that what you’re running on is an absolute bottom-end Ivy Bridge that doesn’t have a proper onboard graphics card. An Ivy Bridge core-i3 would have had an HD 4000 that may have fared better. It may be possible to get a dedicated card added retrospectively, but I doubt it, and it may well be bottlenecked by the rest of the hardware anyway.
Thanks for making this post, as requested. While ambershee is correct in his assessment of the hardware, we do still have a goal of allowing UE4 to run as well as possible on lower-spec systems, and we will use this information to help identify troublesome areas.