If you are like me and are used to 3D editing packages that have a wireframe + solid view mode you’ve probably missed it from the UE editor, especially when it comes to terrain. Terrain imported from WM will often have small artifacts that are just impossible to see without the aid of wireframe and blanket editing with the smooth brush is gonna kill some of those details you might want to preserve.
Another added benefit to this is working in unlit mode- now you can see form again on your landscape and the editor screams!
Make a grid texture with the same dimensions as my landscape Section Size.
Overlay that on your landscape material
If anyone knows of a material node that only displays in the editor that would be a killer addition to this. For now, I just kill it when I don’t need it.
+1 for this, Textured with Wireframe overlay. Unity has it , C4D, Maya, Max etc. all have it it sometimes useful to see the wireframe on the normal lit/unlit view. the wireframe only displays can get very confusing really quick especially with the kind of density of polygons we are using now
My cheesy material accomplishes this for terrain which is fine by me and Anadin probably has the more accurate term - “Textured/Shaded with Wireframe.” It’s invaluable for working with terrain.
The next step is to figure out how to remove that ridiculous pulsing purple cursor in landscape editing!
I’ve seen a few complaints about this here and there on the forums, might want to see if there’s an official thread on that so Epic know it’s bothering users.