Would you know how to adapt the custom code inside the POM function to allow entering a Texture Sample instead of a Texture Object? I have been trying it but without success on Landscape layered materials. is because I have more than 16 “materials” inside my Material, so with Texture Samples we can pass that limit, but with Texture Objects is impossible as they don’t allow to be Shared: Wrap.
I’ve ran into a complication, which I cannot find reasonable approach to with sPOM. It is mip selection for the textures, that would be sampled with parallax.
Given a prism as shown with UVW texture coordinates, how can I effectively calculate partial derivatives of UV at point p0 ?
For the time being I am projecting dW onto V or U axis and using dV or dU directly, depending which fin was hit. For shell, both dU, and dV, are used directly.
The is abrupt derivative change at borders between shells and fins, which causes lower mip selection and as a result, visible seam.
Any way of dealing with it?
Or perhaps there is a more elegant approach of still having anisotropic filtering with sPOM ?
Thanks for your answer! As we were having other performances issues with 4.18, we ported to 4.19 today and everything is working great (even better than 4.17).
And thanks about the lerp, I have fixed it!
I have reordered the POM function internal code to be more comprehensible and easy to follow and analyze. I have deleted too the TexHeight field on the second custom HLSL code as mentioned that it wasn’t necessary anymore, and deleted one DDY and one DDX node which were called twice. The rest is exactly the same.
So here you have! I wish it’s useful for some of you:
(If it is, is there a way to suggest it to be updated in the engine on next versions? As maybe hey won’t see ).
I am trying to make a vertex paintable POM shader. Failing even a POM material that transitioned through a mask would be very helpful.
Could you please possibly show the full graph here? what is going into the simple grad custom nodes and how does interact with the POM node? Where are the outputs of the height lerp going and how is implemented to the Base colour, Normal and ORM maps?
Hi! Help me please. How to fix POM error when using decals. In the engine, everything is displayed with distortions, the POM itself and the shadow from it. If possible, please write in more detail. I’m in business a complete noob. Thank. I attached a link with a video recording of the error. Decal and POM - How to fix POM Decals? Help me, please. - YouTube