Police Officer - MetaHuman


We are excited to share the progress on our upcoming Police Officer character for the Unreal Engine Marketplace. Our aim in this thread is to provide a glimpse into the creation process and to gather your invaluable thoughts to help shape the final product.

This will be the first character we will put on the Marketplace and will utilize the MetaHuman platform. We started to work on it a few months ago, investing significant time in research and collecting reference materials to ensure the utmost authenticity of the uniform and the equipment.

Throughout this endeavor, we’ve encountered a variety of challenges. One hurdle involved reacquainting ourselves with software we used in the past and combining them with the latest tools and workflows. Our primary objective was to establish a pipeline that not only guaranteed the highest quality but also flexibility and efficiency.

We’re committed to sharing further insights, tips, and additional screenshots. Our hope is that this can serve as a valuable resource for future buyers and fellow developers, who are interested in creating similar projects that are based on the MetaHuman template.

We look forward to hearing your feedback as we progress toward the release of this project.

Best regards,