Polar Expedition

Title: Polar Expedition
A team of trail blazing explorers have set out to conquor one of the few remaining lesser known regions of Antarctica. A sled team goes missing and the only clue to their whereabouts is from the camera equipment left behind.

Student Submission: No

Credits to sourced content:

Quixel Bridge Arctic Assets
Medieval Docks
Animalia German Shepherd
MCO Mocap Basics
Ultra Dynamic Sky

Arctic Explorer Male Character
by ChloeRobynSmith is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0).)

Sonniss GDC 2019 Audio Bundle

Audio from Freesound.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0).)

End of Reel
by datasoundsample

16mm Film Reel
by bone666138

EMI Colorino Talking Color Identifier and Light Probe
by kb7clx

Glitching, Vinyl Record Player,A
by InspectorJ

  • Engine version 5.0.0

I can’t believe it but looking back I don’t know how I managed to create this in a week. Granted I did have some late nights this week. I actually started the project two weeks ago but decided to completely scrap my original idea and started from scratch with a new concept.
For me, this project is certainly a testament to how amazingly easy it is to quickly prototype in Unreal. Not only does third party content make it quick, but also the third party tools which are popping up as well.
I managed to have my character rigged, skinned, and animated and in engine all within at most half a day thanks to these two third party tools which I highly recommend.

Record yourself performing the animations you want and their tool AI tool will generate animations for you.

Upload your character model to their website, position the bone points, and export a fully skinned character with skeleton. I experienced a few skinning issues but considering the entire process maybe took 20 minutes it was well worth it.

Finally the UE retargeting IK solver was quite simple to use and I easily transfered the animations from the Deepmotion skeleton to my Arctic character Accurig skeleton.

Overall I’m happy with my results considering the time frame. Was I overscoped? Very much so and I’ll need to keep that in mind for the next challenge.


Bumping this because this entry is fantastic and I hope more people see it. The old school film is badass, and I love the cosmic horror. A bit of The Thing here, and some other influences there, but overall a unique an engaging experience that definitely stands out from the rest.


Thank you so much Seth, I really do appreciate your kind words. :slight_smile: I really had so much fun with this theme and feel like I could have explored it in much more depth given enough time. That being said, I’m playing around with the idea of continuing this project ( at some point ) Right now I’m working on a post mortem of what went right, what went wrong and revisiting the storyline and jotting down notes on how to make a smoother experience.


Yeah, totally agree. I went through most of the entries and this one really tried to do something different - love the HP Lovecraft found footage style.


this is awesome


Whoa, talk about originality!!

Simply amazing :smiley:


Thank you everyone! @Stevelois @Aeryix @HoundBark
Really pleased you enjoyed it :slight_smile:
I definitely wanted to try something different from what I usually create and this was a great opportunity for it.


I genuinely think that the only issue you have with this piece so far, is just the fact that nobody’s seeing it. So here’s another bump to that! If you do decide to continue on with the project, I would certainly love to see what you do with it, but even if you don’t I think you have a really effective silent horror film that stands well on its own.


very cool!

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Thank you! glad you enjoyed it :slight_smile:

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I agree entirely with @Seth_Hedgepath; your creation is fantastic, and I’m sorry I didn’t see it sooner! The ending literally sent shivers down my spine! :scream:

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Thank you so much @Zezkaii ! No worries about only seeing it until now lol. I didn’t think my work was powerful enough to get that response from the ending, happy to hear it though :smiley:

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The pleasure is all mine, and believe me when I say the anomalous direction you went with your ending is more effective than you may think! Anything could have happened to our faithful explorer and their companions. Seeing this strange bright light and hearing the ominous sound before they disappear sends a clear message; avoid being in this circumstance at all costs! :cold_face:

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I think this is really good, quite unique.