I’m trying to make a pokemon game with Unreal engine. I dont have much experience with ue so dont get too advanced please.
My problem is I’m having a team of 6 Pokemon. Every Slot needs 4 Attacks. Storing the attack data is no problem since I got that covered in the game mode BP I only need to bind the Attacks to the 6 slots.
It would be great if the bound Attacks could be Integer values (The Attack ID).
(PS excuse my bad writing Im not a native english speaker.)
thanks in advance!
Try to look into structs, you can make them hold all the data you want, from monster names, what attributes, weaknesses, attacks does it have, to what type of damage it does and so on. And you can easily copy then into slots (arrays in our casse)
Also knowledge of what arrays are would be good to you:
**Though I would strongly advise you not to make a pokemon game, because in 99.9% nintendo will take it down. They are overprotective about their franchises.**
i made a similar type game a while back and used a datatable to store all the base values / stats, then i used a array of structs to store the current roster.
Thank you very much for your answer! I will try this as soon as I have time.
Also Im just making this for me and my friends so Nintendo wont notice. Thanks for the advice though!