To keep things short, I am trying to get a firstperson character to follow a track around a city block and have the camera always facing the direction of movement. This project is planned to be part of a display where the player can control the speed the character moves, but not the direction they face (so 1 button to move, camera turning is done automatically).
I have tried a few methods following tutorials that use player velocity, camera tracking, Camera rig rails, but none of them end with the result I am looking for.
For my current setup I have a FirstPersonCharacter confined to a spline path that loops as soon as they reach the end of it. I can have a 1 button setup for the movement, but now I need something to replace the mouse movement for camera direction. Since they player is going to be controlling the rate that the character moves along the track, I can’t use level sequences or keyframes (at least in any way that I know how to).
I’m a beginner when it comes to blueprints but I know how things get wired together and how to assemble them, are there any tutorials that you know about to get these results?