Point Cloud Visibility from Alignment

After alignment, there’s a great expansive point cloud preview of the alignment results.

After reconstruction, this point cloud is no longer visible, but if I want to expand and re-draw my reconstruction region, having this point cloud back would be very useful.  How do I get it back without re-aligning?


Hi Doron Kipper,

What you’re referring to is called tie-points. It’s not necessarily a preview but rather a 3D visualization of the points that RC has matched in all the aligned images. Using tools in RC you can inspect the quality of the tie-points which tells you how good your alignment is.

You can view the tie-points by selecting your model and then clicking on the small eye icon in the 1D panel info. This will hide the vertices of your model. If you then click on the 3D viewer and go to the Scene ribbon and at the section Alignment Points select the box for ‘Tie Points’ and they will show up.

Thanks!  The relationship between the naming and visibility wasn’t immediately obvious.