Same errors
Same errors
i also compiled the engine and then dragged and dropped the point cloud plugin into the engine folder.
the result of that leads to me:
@ Hey dude, I’ve found that point clouds that have been saved out of CloudCompare as ASC (txt, xyz, csv) etc. cause the importer to freeze on zero percent and never import the point cloud, causing me to end task unreal engine. is there a particular way they file needs to be structured, I’m able to import the same cloud into meshlab as .txt with XYZRGB and SPACE separator. Have you imported any Las/Laz files that have been saved out of CloudCompare as .txt?
Please re-read what I wrote earlier - installing the plugin at editor level has not been tested. The plugin is meant as project plugin and as such it should be placed inside [project_name]\Plugins directory.
Can you provide first several lines of the file?
The importer should be able to handle comma, space and tab separated column-based text files, including those containing column names at the beginning.
I believe we did try CloudCompare exports, but not 100% sure.
I understand that portion it’s not meant for engine, the plugin is supposed to be install within the project folder
I tried that. I still get the error that the Point Cloud Runtime Module is not seen.
I create the project,
View the project in the explorer
Create the plugin folder
Drag and drop the Point Cloud plugin into the Plugins Folder that has been created.
Reopen the project
And I get the same error.
If the plugin is enabled, it will not let me reopen the project
I see. Could you zip the project and send it to me, so I can investigate further?
Sure Give me a few minutes, Do I just drag and drop the file here?
I’m not sure what’s the attachment size limit on the forum. You might need to use some file sharing service. Do you have Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive or something like that?
google and onedrive which do you prefer?
Either one
Both projects load just fine on my side, so I’m guessing it would be something to do with the fact that you use engine from source.
I’m going to make an educated guess here - if you made any changes to the engine code, the compiled libraries included with the plugin might not be compatible with the source-based engine, hence it complains about lack of plugin module.
Try this:
If this doesn’t work, it’ll have to wait until I find some more time to investigate compatibility with source-based engine versions.
I will try this now
YES!!! It Worked!!!
I will on making this into a template for my engine So i do not worry about this again!! If it does not work, …Ill let you know.
@ I saved .txt from CloudCompare with comma separation and float 0-1 color and it didn’t import it looks like this:
I then import that text to MeshLab and export as .xyz to remove the RGB and it didin’t work either, I change the extension of the .xyz to .txt and it looks like this:
502000.062500 6960035.000000 39.730000
502000.062500 6960042.500000 34.419998
502000.093750 6960056.000000 34.720001
502000.062500 6960056.500000 34.470001
502000.031250 6960057.000000 34.400002
502000.000000 6960057.500000 34.310001
502000.000000 6960058.000000 33.669998
Glad I could help
Looks OK.
How big is the file - maybe it’s just still loading it (especially if you run it from HDD instead of SSD)? Check task manager for CPU usage
Did you set any reduction settings? Density reduction with values below 1 in particular can massively increase processing times.
I have a .txt file that I tried first, that had more than 23 million points and took about 40 seconds to import, looks like this:
-15.621670 8.470015 2.512579 73 81 94
-15.622311 8.470015 2.522066 73 81 94
-15.621670 8.468601 2.522066 73 81 94
-15.621990 8.470015 2.517323 72 80 93
-15.621990 8.469308 2.522066 73 81 94
-15.621670 8.469308 2.517323 72 80 93
-15.622492 8.470015 2.542799 73 79 95
-15.621670 8.468052 2.542799 72 78 94
-15.622081 8.469308 2.532433 71 78 94
-15.622081 8.469033 2.542799 73 79 95
-15.621670 8.468327 2.532433 71 78 94
But these other files are only 1-2 million points and I have waited up to half an hour with it not moving past 0% when importing. So I don’t know why I can’t import these other point clouds
@ could it be the location of the points in space? I will try to recenter it near 0,0,0
changed density reduction to 1.2 and it got to 43% before seeming to be unresponsive.