Hi [USER=“129723”]Jocko Jonson[/USER] and thanks for the feedback.
To be honest I haven’t tested point clouds with Volumetric Fog, will investigate.
Hi [USER=“129723”]Jocko Jonson[/USER] and thanks for the feedback.
To be honest I haven’t tested point clouds with Volumetric Fog, will investigate.
From the looks of your photo, that’s a very large point cloud. I don’t know for sure but that might be your issue here. What type of GPU are you running on your machine?
Hi there!
Sorry, I missed your post!
To help diagnose the issue, please answer some questions:
Also, if possible, could you send me the log file after crash (via PM or Discord if you prefer)?
The blueprint exposure has been in rework for the v0.5, and should offer better overall experience.
Good news - I fixed the crashes related to scaling issues and few others.
Bad news - when trying to build plugin binaries my 4.21 installation gets corrupted for some reason - for the time being you would need to use the git version (code-based projects)
With the release of 4.21-preview3, Epic fixed the bug stopping the plugin from packaging
Binaries for v0.5 (4.20 and 4.21) have now be updated - I advise you to download the newer version.
Hello ,
I shall check your road map but do you have any future ideas of adding the ability to go mobile?
I tried building but, I received errors within you runtime scripts.
Hi @Rosium !
To be honest, I wasn’t planning on supporting mobile as a platform, at least not in the near future. Current usage statistics show interest in mobile to be under 3%, and since this is an after-hours project, I would like to divert the resources to more urgent issues.
With that said, once the streaming functionality is fully implemented and stable I might see if mobile build is within reach without large changes.
Out of curiosity, what kind of project would you envision for mobile? What sort of cloud size and density?
Hi @,
First, I want to thank you, your plugin is awesome!
I actually run an issue when I try to launch my packaged application. I’ve got a Serialization Error pop-up with Corrupt data found error (screen1) and after that a more detailed error with an assertion failed (screen 2).
I use the latest version (0.5) of your plugin with UE 4.21 Preview 4 on an Unreal Studio Template project.
I don’t know if you aware about this error or if the error comes from me, but I wanted to let you know about that.
Have a good day !
Are you using a binary version of the plugin or compiling it from code?
The binaries were built for Preview 3 - this could potentially be the cause of your issue - will investigate!
I use a binary version of the plugin.
Do you think that compiling the plugin from code with Preview 4 can solve this issue ? I will try this.
So I just tried to build the plugin from source but it doesn’t change anything. The same error occurs.
Thanks for letting me know!
I’ll have a look as soon as I have some time.
Forgot to ask before, are you using VR?
I use the Unreal Studio Product Viewer template that supports VR.
When you launch the project you have a main screen where you can select either Desktop or either VR. However the error occurs before anything else so I never reached this main screen in packaged application.
You are not alone, it seems an awful lot like a problem we talked about with a few weeks ago !
As @LegendreVR said, this might be an issue he run into some time ago, which I never successfully replicated. Hopefully I’ll manage to find it this time
Please send me your log file if possible.
Are you using any other Plugins?
Any other peripherals connected? (outside of HMD)
I don’t use any other Plugins. In the project there is nothing else that the Template Content and a cloud point asset that I’ve imported.
I’ve just tried to launch the packaged application without connected the HMD and same issue occurs. And no I don’t have any other peripherals connected.
Hope the log file can help you !
Hi great work mate, we’re in Brisbane and really looking forward to using your plugin to view some LiDAR in VR! Glad to see you got your grant, you deserve it.
Thanks for this. Hopefully can get it fixed soon
I believe your issue should now be fixed! Please re-download the plugin and give it a go
I know some of you still using 4.18 and 4.19 would like to try v0.5 of the plugin but don’t feel comfortable (or simply don’t want) to convert your projects to code-based. This is why I have now extended the available binary packages of early access to include 4.18 and 4.19