I will continue with my #UE4JAM Feb 2016 Entry for “One Hit Wonder”
Team Name:
Richard Boegli’s game studio for people who want to make games and want to do other stuff good too.
Abbreviated to richardboegli
Game Name:
Team Members:
Richard Boegli, Mechatronic Engineer
Game Description:
POINT CLICK ILL: Sneeze your way to victory is a family friendly laser tag / “instagib” [One Hit Wonder] style crossplatform and crossplay game featuring Sam Smile, where each sneeze makes a player sick.
Fly Sam Smile floating head around and sneeze on your opponents to win.
Highest sick count wins.
See Allar’s Twitch stream video play through
How to Play:
WASD - Movement
Mouse - Look
Mouse 1 - Sneeze (One second between sneezes)
Mouse 2 - Zoom
Space - Jetpack Up Boost - Keep pressing to go higher
Ctrl - Jetpack Down Boost - Keep pressing to go lower
K or End - Respawn
Known Issues:
- Player movements is not tweaked yet
- Player cannot see own sneeze count
- Only a single map, Infinite Blade Grass Lands
- Just me saying sneeze instead of a real sneeze. Didn’t have time to make myself sneeze.
3rd Party
- Generic Shooter Template - Gamemakin LLC
- Infinite Blade Grass Lands - EPIC GAMES INC
Windows Download Here! - 242MB - Version
Release History - 2016-02-17
- Fixed Ammo and Reload
- K for Respawn
- Fixed blocking volume for water
- Removed random blocking volume
- Fixed team names
- Add Sam Smile Image
- Fixed UI on screen - still says ONE CLICK ILL instead of POINT CLICK ILL
- Fixed Weapon Name
- Change crosshair to purple, add white and black spots and increase size - UNRELEASED - 2016-02-15 - Initial Release
EDIT1: Added Video