Point Based Procedural Generation

Hello again!

I want to create a procedural Floor generator using big and small “Tiles”, I can’t just make a Tile based generator because of the sizes of my objects that’ll be used in the generator, the exit and enter points will be placed in a way, tiles based generators will not work in this case, so I decided to make a generator that’ll know where to place the rooms, my idea was to create “connection” points in all the exits or entrances an object has, but I have no idea how to create this, I tried to create some components that I connect in those positions within the BP, but I have no access what so ever to those points within the Generator BP to get those positions using Classes as references of those “Tiles”.

I found and tried to study another BP that is a Procedural Dungeon Generator and works also with points that connect to another point from previous “Tile”, but the BP is not very user-Friendly as it contains BP within BP and it’s not very self-explaining… So maybe someone can help me to create a Point based Procedural Generator? I mean, only some hints or a small quick tutorial of how to create such a system would be neat.

The Project with the Point based generation: [Randomized Dungeon System - Work in Progress - Unreal Engine Forums][1]

Some pictures of my Idea(And one of my Corridor BP):

im trying to make a similar system for my game, did you figure out a way of doing this?