PNG Alpha not converting to material correctly

Bit of an UE newbie here, I have a .png image with an alpha that I converted to a material to overlay onto an existing mesh. The material shows up correctly without the alpha channel in the material editor but in-world, the material still has a black background and isn’t scaled correctly. Any idea on what could be causing this? I want the “0” to appear over the orange button. (see pics)

Check your uv mapping for the orange mesh pieces.

Try putting the same material on the default cube in unreal. If it spans only 1 side of the cube then it’s a uv problem that needs to be fixed in a 3d application
(you need to edit your original model redoing the uv unwrap).

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On a separate note, you should make your textures “Power of 2” - meaning that they should be the closest power-of-two to 490 which would be 512x512 - that allows the engine to optimize those textures into mip-maps.

For anyone that comes across this post in the future, I ended up doing it a weird way. I created a plane and attached the material to the plane to overlay the numbers onto the orange buttons. This is definitely not the correct way to do it but it worked for me.