Plugins editor missing?

Somehow my plugins editor is missing from both Edit and Windows tabs. I was disabling every plugin to test something out and after i restarted my editor, the option totally disappeared.

How do i bring it back up?

Nevermind, i found a way to fix it.

how did you fix it?

How did you fix it? I just did same mistake :frowning:

Open your .uproject file with a text editor, there will be a list of all plugins youā€™ve disabled including the plugin editor one set to load = falseā€¦

Set it to = true again and the ā€˜Pluginsā€¦ā€™ menu plus its panel will be visible again next time you open UEditor.


LEGENā€¦wait for itā€¦

Thank you! :sweat_smile:

ā€œNameā€: ā€œPluginBrowserā€,
ā€œEnabledā€: true

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Nine years later and youā€™re still saving lives. You absolute star