I would like to connect Wiimote into my game production by using plugin Wiimote from GitHub - xoyojank/UE4-Wiimote-Plugin
As you can see, it’s quite old and when I enable that plugin and restart my project, there is a warning said The ‘Wiimote’ plugin was designed for build 4.2.0.
And then it said that Wiimote is missing or built with different engine version and asking me do I want to rebuild them now. Which I click Yes, this time I got an error said that my project could not be compiled. Try rebuilding from source manually.
I would like to know that are there any chance to get it to work with the current version that I’m working on, which is UE4.20
Just by updating it, you need to fix all individual compilation errors, i think that only sansable option, normal procedure is update plugin by updating UE4 version by version and fix any deprecation warnings one by one which usally have explanations what to do, but doing that from 4.2 will be time consuming. You also need to revamp build scripts (*.cs files) as there was lot of changes there and it probably stop there right now, so start with that.
Thanks for your help. However, I’m really new to Unreal. Could you please provide me further explanation like revamping build scripts (*.cs files), where are they located? Are there any resources associated with this so that I can look for what I need to do with them.
Furthermore, I only got an error said that my project could not be compiled. There is no log provided any information for me at all.
You get more helpful errors if you compile the plugin in Visual Studio, and line numbers telling you where in the code it went wrong.