So, not sure how this happened, but I had substantially modified the “physical boids” plugin, and I think that unreal “automatically” (I don’t remember updating it) updated it and it wiped all my modifications.
I didn’t implement any version control (womp-womp). The more you know…
So, my questions are, (1.) does unreal automatically save the old file somewhere so I can retrieve it, (2.) what is the proper way to save a copy of a plugin and modify it in the future (so this never happens again) and (3.) is there an easy version of version for complete beginners?
I’m new to unreal, but loving it so far, and making things like this: Login • Instagram .
Thanks for your help.
Nope… Your Vault always stores the last stable updated version.
Recommendation: If you need to update an Engine Plugin, dropped it inside your Projects Plunging Folder, since this Project-relative version is not updated via the launcher.
Thank you! Can you explain this a little further? I’d like to prevent this randomly deletion from happening again.
You can find plugins installed to the engine, in “X:/UE5/Engine/Plugins/”
Stuff bought in the marketplace and installed, is located in the “Marketplace” Folder there.
Simply copy the Folder of your desired plugin out of this engine folder, into your:
Folder, to make it relative to your project. It stell works… But won’t receive updates via the launcher.
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