[PLUGIN] UE4 Visual Studio IntelliSense Macro Specifiers

I will try it ASAP :smiley:


It work well!

Thanks @TriNityGER :slight_smile:

I love you.

Nice work!

This is great ! Thanks for the plugin and the VS 2017 version :smiley:

Will it work with Community Editions or Enterprise only? (I wasn’t able to install on VS2017 CE)

Hey! THe .vsix dropbox page is down and the VS Marketplace only offers the VS2015 one. Sadly I don’t know how to create the .vsix from the source fork either.

It would be nice if it was updated or uploaded again! Thanks!

Hi! Does someone have a link to the VS2017 version? The dropbox page where it was hosted is down!


You can build it from the source linked on this page. I did it for VS2017, but the plug-in doesn’t seem to do anything any more once installed.

If you copy the link rather than following the URL behind it, you can get to the download as well:

The URL leads to dropbox, but the link is just Release 1.0.15 · rxcompile/UE4Intellisense · GitHub and there is a download option for the extension.

This is a default of Visual Assist X now.