Plugin Packaging UE5

Greetings all,

I have developed a few plugins that I would like to share with others however the packaging of them requires a whole slew of SDKs. I managed to reluctantly get Android SDKs installed and get past that error, now I need to sort out iOS, can I just not? Why do I need all these SDK’s for a plugin to be packaged? I really don’t care for any of these platforms, I never develop for them nor want to.

My plugin is for the actual Engine to allow extra blueprint functionality.

I have tried disabling all the builds and when trying to package it still wants to compile for everything UE5 supports. I guess I have to compile the plugin for every platform then? Next question how do I compile for Apple without spending thousands of dollars?

I’m bumping this. I’m experiencing the same issue. How can I package a plugin for specific platforms? Every time I package my plugin, it fails because it can’t package for andoid (which I resolved) and iOS.

For people who are looking for the answer and don’t want to read engine source, I got the answer.

To compile your plugin only for specific platforms, you can add a PlatformAllowList property to your plugin’s modules inside the uplugin. Here’s an example:

	"FileVersion": 3,
	"Version": 1,
	"VersionName": "1.0",
	"FriendlyName": "Game Plugin",
	"Description": "Contains very cool things",
	"Category": "Other",
	"CreatedBy": "Me!"
	"Modules": [
			"Name": "GamePlugin",
			"Type": "Runtime",
			"LoadingPhase": "Default",
			"PlatformAllowList": [ "Win64" ]

This will make the plugin only compile for WIndows when packaging. You can modify the PlatformAllowList above to compile for other platforms.