[Plugin] OSC for UE4

Hi monsieurgustav,

Good to hear from you again. FYI I’m still using the plugin quite a lot - the reason I haven’t been back to post questions etc is that the plugin now seems perfect!

Glad you liked the tutorial - I was worried that my use of it would differ from your own and you’d disown it!

I thought i’d show the OSC bundle way as SendOSC caught me out in the past. My project needed to refresh about 100 items on my ipad interface in a screen refresh call (Not just text, but position, and visibility too, so it was more like 400 OSC messages) and i found that some of the data got lost somewhere during this update, so I had to throttle down the update. I originally had a load of SendOSC calls all over my blueprint and had to replace them all with a custom event which added the items to a stack and trickled the messages out over a number of ticks. Using the bundle was - I thought - good practice, and i’m eternally grateful to you for implementing it!

I agree with you on the add event for Osc Receiver - it’s just me stuck in my ways I think.

Thanks again for the plugin, and also the kind feedback on my tutorial. I’ve been thinking of doing some more tutorials for absolute coding beginners (blueprints, not c++) and have made some progress in a first pass at a kind of script for it (my background is in TV as an editor - although you wouldn’t know that from the lack of any editing in that tutorial) - with a whopping 600+ views it’s encouraged me to get on with it.

Hello everyone

Thank you very much for a great plugin !

I suceeded in installing and using it with maxmsp (a slider or a sound moves an object) but I have a speed (latency ?) problem. Unreal reacts very slowly, object "jumping " from one value to another.

If I send the message from touchosc instead of maxmsp, it works fine and smoothly. It seems also fine if i send from max to touchosc…

I am a total beginner in those things. Any idea what parameter or setup I could check ?



My guess:
UE4 gooes veeery slooooooooowly when running out of focus. (at least on Windows)
Maybe there is a setting to fix this…
Or run MaxMSP and UE4 on 2 separate machines. (the reason why it works using TouchOSC)

Yes, you can set up this on the editor preferences window
Edit=>Editor preferences => Miscellaneous => Performance => use less CPU when in Background => set it to unchecked

then the editor is always running at full

I sometimes have a host resolve problem with TouchOSC which sounds like a similar problem - try using the IP address rather than a host lookup.

That was it ! It works like a charm now.
thank you very much !


Hello everyone

A UE4 4.13 project wich use the OSC plugin is now crashing when I launch it. It was working fine a few days ago - I don’t remember making any change except that I clicked OK to an update of the Epic Launcher today.

I got this error message :

Other projects works fine so I suspect it’s the plugin. The project was created following Dannington’s tutorial.

Any help would be greatly appreciated !



I had this updating to 4.13.1 - just re-generate the project files and recompile.

Thanks ! I guess I could have guessed it by myself if I wasn’t so nervous about this Visual Studio thing… I’ll get used to it !

Hello guys. Someone could tell me how can I route messages that are more complex than address, ip and value? I’d like to import messages that contain multiple values after the addres and route them.

Is there a better way than the mine?

Thank you.

I haven’t tried it but you should be able to use a for-each loop on the pop-float node.

Hi guys, thanks for this plugin! really helpfull!
However I have an issue when I want to package this for a windows 32bits system : osc doesn’t work anymore! “BP listening” appear but when I use TouchOSC nothing respond.
Any idea to fix it?

Hi @JuL17,

You might find that it’s that the ports are hard-wired (to 8000 I think) in the ‘packaged’ versions of the plugin and you’ll have to change them in the source code (It’s easy), or change your ports in TouchOSC.


Hi @Dannington,
You’re right the ports was set to 8000 !

I havez something else to ask you : about linking osc data to camera, how can I do it?
My skills aren’t good enough yet :wink:

Here is my research:d306c20463a0fc4e730f83e3eb4d45d89c3c2064.jpeg

Hi @JuL17.

I’ll try to write a better response shortly - i’m quite busy today.

You’re right that you want to drive your camera’s world position in this way but you’re sending your camera on a diagonal path through your scene I expect.

You need to make discrete x, y and z variables for your camera’s position and only update the one you’re adjusting.

You have tx, ty and tz switches - so you need each one of them to call a ‘set’ on only the x, y and z variables appropriately, then i’d say you could join up those execution chains (tx, ty and tz) into a set world location based on the values of those variables.

I’d use a ‘Map-To-Range-Unclamped’ node rather than your multiplier - the float output will likely produce a scalar value between 0 and 1 - if you plug that into the ‘value’ node, then set In Range A to 0 and Range B to 1 (the min and max for the float) - then you can set OutA and OutB to the coordinate range of your choosing - like (-1000 to 1000) - that way if you get a 0 from the float your camera will move to -1000 or if it gets 0.5 (half) it’ll go to 0. Do this for each axis - you might want the mimimum range for Z to be 0, otherwise it might go through the ground.

Also you could use a spring arm with your camera attached to produce a smooth motion when you adjust these values. In this case you move the world position of your spring arm rather than your camera.

I’ll try to post a BP grab at some point.

I tests on 4.14 and it works just fine, except one thing:

In the .uplugin file, the plugin is marked as disabled by default.
Before 4.14, it was loaded anyway…
Now, it’s not anymore: if you experience strange behavior, check that the plugin is loaded in the “Plugins” window.

I also pushed an update that make the plugin enabled by default from now on.


Your way is perfectly fine.

An alternative would be to use the traditional Array functions (“Data” is an array of “OscDataElem”), like that :

Hi @monsieurgustav

Hope you are well. Is there any reason that a long string sent into the engine would cause a crash? I’m trying to get a node.js OSC module to send in a long base64 string and it crashes the editor:

Assertion failed: TCString<TCharType>::Strlen(InName)<=NAME_SIZE [File:D:\Build++UE4+Release-4.14+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\UObject\UnrealNames.cpp] [Line: 582]

Here’s my string!


It’s just a few configs and some urls.


I think it must be an RX buffer set to 1024 somewhere - I tried changing the global buffer but it didn’t fix it.

OK, it totally makes sense but I haven’t seen it coming.

The OSC plugin stores OSC strings as FName objects. (as you can see, PopString actually returns a Name value)

It would make sense to use FString here, but it would cause a lot of buffer copy (every Pop* function call, etc.) if used naively.
A less naive approach would be to store those strings in a shared container and store a pointer to it.
Which is basically what FName does.

Unfortunately, FName content is limited to 1024 characters.

I see 2 issues here:

  • It will take some work to remove this limitation. Not a lot, but some.
  • It will break old OSC related blueprints, as PopString will actually return a FString now. (instead of FName)