Plugin not updating files


My listing,, was provided with a link to the files. This link was a GitHub repo, GitHub - jjasundry/SmartAsserts: A plugin for Unreal Engine 5 that adds asserts that crashes the PIE session instead of the entire editor.. When I update the repo and tell the listing to re-submit for review, Fab doesn’t actually update their files from my repo. When I install the plugin to an engine and look at it in file explorer, it installed an old version.

What type of bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

Install this plugin to an engine using the Epic Launcher:
Compare the files installed with the GitHub repo (switch to the branch matching the Unreal version the plugin was installed to): GitHub - jjasundry/SmartAsserts: A plugin for Unreal Engine 5 that adds asserts that crashes the PIE session instead of the entire editor.

Expected Result

The files installed onto the computer and in the repo match perfectly.

Observed Result

The files installed onto the computer are a few commits behind the files on the repo.


Epic Launcher, GitHub, Microsoft Edge

Operating System


I tried it on a different machine that had never installed the plugin, and it still installed the outdated version. Because of this I know it ISN’T my library not updating in the launcher.

they only update the files when the url has changed and name of the file as well:

I never used GitHub but if the url and file name doesn’t change, their system won’t detect a project update most likely.

We usually use google drive or mega.

That worked! I started using GitHub’s releases features so the link would change when I make an update. I wish this was a lot clearer on the listing, or was included somewhere on the documentation.

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Yeah, Fab is still very early access, better use the safest methods when publishing a product. For example, we can’t include other characters in a title product, otherwise it will get auto reject or cannot update at all. It only accepts letters A-Z.