Plugin 'MyPlugin' failed to load because module 'MyModule' could be initialized successfully after it was loaded.

I created an empty C++ project where I implemented a plugin. I was able to compile the project with the plugin successfully.

To clean my project I (manually) deleted the ‘Binaries’ and ‘Intermediate’ folders of the plugin. Since then I cannot load the project anymore.

When I try to open it (in the UE editor), I get the following message:
“Plugin ‘MyPlugin’ failed to load because module ‘MyModule’ could be initialized successfully after it was loaded.”

When I click OK, the Unreal Engine crashes.

How can I fix that?

I already tried with version 4.11 preview but I have the same problem.

Ok the directory structure of my plugin was wrong. It is working now.

Would you mind giving any details?

And it’s gone in the void I wish he never find answers for his questions…

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haha.facts, please if you find answers help us all out: )

in my case i did not implement startupmodules.
After implementation it worked correctly.

Yes,you are right! After struggle for hours,I did it! We should guarantee one class inherited from IModuleInterface for each module in the Plugin. And IMPLEMENT_MODULE !

Just like this:

Cly_Thread_Module.cpp :

include “Cly_Thread_Module.h”

#define LOCTEXT_NAMESPACE “ICly_Thread_Module”

void ICly_Thread_Module::StartupModule()
// This code will execute after your module is loaded into memory; the exact timing is specified in the .uplugin file per-module

void ICly_Thread_Module::ShutdownModule()
// This function may be called during shutdown to clean up your module. For modules that support dynamic reloading,
// we call this function before unloading the module.


IMPLEMENT_MODULE(ICly_Thread_Module, Cly_Core)