Plugin 'MyPlugin' failed to load because module 'MyModule' could be initialized successfully after it was loaded.

I created an empty C++ project where I implemented a plugin. I was able to compile the project with the plugin successfully.

To clean my project I (manually) deleted the ‘Binaries’ and ‘Intermediate’ folders of the plugin. Since then I cannot load the project anymore.

When I try to open it (in the UE editor), I get the following message:
“Plugin ‘MyPlugin’ failed to load because module ‘MyModule’ could be initialized successfully after it was loaded.”

When I click OK, the Unreal Engine crashes.

How can I fix that?

I already tried with version 4.11 preview but I have the same problem.

Ok the directory structure of my plugin was wrong. It is working now.

Would you mind giving any details?

And it’s gone in the void I wish he never find answers for his questions…

haha.facts, please if you find answers help us all out: )

in my case i did not implement startupmodules.
After implementation it worked correctly.