An event-driven plugin for the Thalmic Myo. Has a modern rewritten architecture since v0.9.0 see the github repo for documentation and examples.
Let me know what you think, and what improvements should be included, or if you can, contribute and extend the code!
NB: Currently only supports Windows 64 & 32 Platform.
Latest Version
0.7.14 for UE4.10
0.7.13 for UE4.9 Myo Connect 1.0
0.7.12 for UE4.8 Myo Connect beta-9
0.7.10 for UE4.7 Myo Connect beta-9
0.7.7 for UE4.6 Myo Connect beta-8
0.7.6 for UE4.5 Myo Connect beta-7
0.7.2 for UE4.5 Myo Connect beta-6
0.7.2 for UE4.5 Myo Connect beta-5
0.7 for UE4.5 Myo Connect beta-4
0.6.3 for UE4.4
0.6 for UE4.3
Documentation & How To
See the Github repository - Contains Plugin Source, Releases, and Documentation
Old Resources
Myo Connect and device firmware - ensure these are up to date.
Thalmic Myo Unleashed Blog Post - How to add Myo support to your project in under a minute.
Thalmic UE4 Plugin Thread
Quick How To Example
-Compile fixes for 4.19
-Documentation updated for v0.9
-Suppressed default pose log to reduce spam
-modern rewrite for 4.18 that runs on a separate thread in a input module scoped architecture.
-Mainly accessed through a MyoControllerComponent, but bare basics can be implemented using only input mapping.
-supports latest Myo SDK v0.9.0 including raw emg
-supports multiple myos
-hot-pluggable myo connect and hub
-bare bones documentation for now, explore code MyoControllerComponent.h and MyoController.hfor how-to.
-auto-casting blueprint conversions from data to controller to call actions such as vibrate device
-Synced binaries with UE4.10
-Updated to work with myo connect 1.0. The pitch/roll are now correctly
-Code fixes for UE4.9 compile
-Should no longer crash in the cases where Myo Disabled is emitted but no
delegate is set.
-Update to UE4.8
-Update to Myo 0.9
-Added a work around that fixes the UE editor crash if you do not have Myo Connect running when you begin play. will allow for safe integration of myo with multiple other plugins.
-updated binary for UE 4.7
-moved convenience content into the plugin, delete if you do not want to
use it and wish to save space.
-updated myo sdk bind to 0.8.1
-Myo SDK bind updated to beta 8
-Now supports raw streams see readme for documentation
-Added convenience content called Myo Utility BP Library, which has convenience functions for debug output.
-Updated documentation, check github readme
-Packaged file fix by removing try/catch block. No longer needed since
Myo Connect handles hot plugging of hub
-removes C4273 suppression by including SlateCore in build rules
-Contains compile fixes to sync code base to UE4.6. Note that warning
C4273 is suppressed due to 4.6 changes to Input Mapping.
-Syncs Myo SDK to Beta 7 (0.7)
-As per 0.7 Thumb to Pinky is now DoubleTap
-Added locking mechanism, plugin defaults to none, but you can call
SetLockingPolicy on your MyoComponent to change on say BeginPlay.
-As per 0.7 Added Lock/Unlock functions on MyoController class
-Arm Orientation space now persists throughout PIE sessions, will only
get lost when quitting app.
-As per 0.6, onArmRecognized and onArmLost is now onArmSync and
-Tested with Myo firmware 1.0.3
-Minor code consistency fix
-Added platform white list
-added gitignore
-update syncs the plugin to beta-5, update your myos to firmware
0.8.17 or later to use with plugin.
-Fixed unpairing event issues caused by beta-3, now supports full
features again.
-Converted entire architecture to support component based extension in
blueprints, please refer to the documentation
-Each event now emits a UMyoController pointer allowing for additional
controller data to be obtained in the context of the event and to also
easily perform checks such as IsLeftMyo
-Updated to UE4.5
-MyoComponent/Convenience base classes can now obtain left/right and
primary myo as a convenience.
-Fixed arm space orientation to work with myo attached to arm in any direction. Requires doing the setup gesture to detect arm and direction.
-Fixed bodySpaceNull acceleration (component space acceleration without gravity), after calibration will report the expected acceleration.
-Added calibration direction, allowing you to calibrate in arbitrary orientation relative to the user facing screen (e.g. calibration in facing direction is R(R0,P0,Y0) and pointing right is a R(R0,P0,Y90) rotator)
-Input Mapping will now use the last paired myo as input
-Fixed Play In Editor myo spam caused by waiting a long while with a paried myo before playing. Myo will now correctly initialize only on BeginPlay()
-Added support for multiple myos, tested with up to 3. Use blueprint events for multiple myos as input mapping uses only primary myo.
-Added xArmDirection to raw myo device data
-Fixed PIE spam caused by stopping and resuming after a long duration; the hub will be destroyed between sessions.
-Added preliminary support for calibrated values. Call MyoCalibrateArmOrientation(int32 myoId) when arm is facing the screen, after which all arm and body values are calibrated, some values are not fully correct at stage, use with care.
-Updated to 4.4
- First Public Release, bound to beta-1 SDK.
-Confirm shipping/packaging works with the plugin.
-Move Hub to separate thread (removing the current 1ms performance penalty)
-Add wiki on subject