I installed the Low Entry Extended Standard Library plugin, and it has always, and still does, work great. However, when I start my project it pops up a message that says “Plugin Missing - This project requires the LowEntryExtendedStandardLibrary plugin. Would you like to download it from the marketplace?” Upon clicking Yes, it takes me to the marketplace but the page is never found. Upon clicking No, it ignores it and my project loads just fine as it should, and the plugin does still work, even though it says it is missing. No further problems. This wouldn’t be a problem except that when you download the actual packaged version (I am hosting my updating game for free on itch.io) it gives the same message to the player. Also I am able to find the plugin’s page on the marketplace if I click on the plugin manually in my library. But again, clicking yes on the ‘Plugin Missing’ popup does not find it.
I made a test project in 4.12.2 that had a very simple use of the Low Entry Extended Standard Library plugin, but did not run into the issue that you described when I packaged the game, or tried to open the project in the Editor. Do you see this happening in a new test project, or only in your own project?
Would it be possible to get a copy of your project so I can see how you are including and using the plugin? If you need to provide it privately, you can either change the visibility of your comment here only be viewable by yourself on the moderators, or by [sending me a PM][1] on the forums.
hallo…ich habe auch das problem das ich ein projekt welches noch in einer früheren version erstellt wurde nicht mehr laden kann…folgende info erscheint dann: This project requires the LowEntryExtStdLib plugin.
aber dieses plugin ist nicht vorhanden wenn ich den marketplace öffne. ich weiß das es an der version liegt…aber ich habe keine lust jedesmal von vorn zu beginnen nur weil ihr eine neue version heraus bringt. was kann ich tun um weiterhin mein project zu bearbeiten und zu erweitern? ohne alles neu machen zu müssen.
Open an empty Unreal project (or any project that doesn’t require the plugin) and go to plugin settings. Enable the “Low Entry Extended Standard Library” and restart the engine. After that you can open your project without need to delete plugin lines inside the .uproject file.