[PLUGIN] Marquee Selection Plugin

Hello there! :grinning:

Introducing a plugin with fairly basic functionality for all RTS games - a marquee selection of objects. However, it’s not all that simple when we need to focus on performance, and that’s exactly what this solution aims to provide performance and ease of use.

Marquee Selection Plugin

Selecting hundreds, even thousands of objects? - the game thread impact will be around ~0.03 ms (it could potentially be even lower, but we need to render the selection area).

Here are a few technical details:

  • To check for intersections, the plugin uses native collision shapes (box, sphere, capsule, convex, DOP), which allows building any shape of an object with acceptable accuracy.
  • Collision is used only to determine the object’s shape, and the physics functionality can be (or needs) disabled for optimization. You can also use your collision shapes
  • To optimize performance, when dealing with many objects, the plugin utilizes a modified Dynamic Octree, drastically improving processing speed.
  • The main part of the code is processed in a separate thread, which additionally ensures high performance

You can find more detailed information on the plugin’s page, including links to the documentation.