Issue: I have coded a plugin, using the advise of Unreal Docs, I made a GameInstanceSubsystem instead of overriding GameInstance. It turns out this is a great way to go about this, from a coding side. I wrote the plugin, a skeletal version of it works as it should (ie. the plugin works, not compiler issues, in editor it works), but after I set it up on my blueprints close and reload Editor:
LogLinker: Warning: [AssetLog] I:\Unreal\Projects\Playground\Content\TopDown\Blueprints\BP_TopDownPlayerController.uasset: VerifyImport: Failed to find script package for import object 'Package /Script/CustomDateTime'
LogProperty: Error: FStructProperty::Serialize Loading: Property 'StructProperty /Game/TopDown/Blueprints/BP_TopDownPlayerController.BP_TopDownPlayerController_C:ExecuteUbergraph_BP_TopDownPlayerController:CallFunc_GetCustomDateTime_dateTime'. Unknown structure.
LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] I:\Unreal\Projects\Playground\Content\TopDown\Blueprints\BP_TopDownPlayerController.uasset: [Compiler] No structure in SubCategoryObject in pin dateTime
LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] I:\Unreal\Projects\Playground\Content\TopDown\Blueprints\BP_TopDownPlayerController.uasset: [Compiler] Node Invalid Subsystem Type must have a class specified.
LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] I:\Unreal\Projects\Playground\Content\TopDown\Blueprints\BP_TopDownPlayerController.uasset: [Compiler] In use pin <Unnamed> no longer exists on node GetCustomDateTime . Please refresh node or break links to remove pin.
LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] I:\Unreal\Projects\Playground\Content\TopDown\Blueprints\BP_TopDownPlayerController.uasset: [Compiler] In use pin <Unnamed> no longer exists on node GetCustomDateTime . Please refresh node or break links to remove pin.
LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] I:\Unreal\Projects\Playground\Content\TopDown\Blueprints\BP_TopDownPlayerController.uasset: [Compiler] In use pin Target no longer exists on node GetCustomDateTime . Please refresh node or break links to remove pin.
LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] I:\Unreal\Projects\Playground\Content\TopDown\Blueprints\BP_TopDownPlayerController.uasset: [Compiler] In use pin Date Time Total Millisecond no longer exists on node GetCustomDateTime . Please refresh node or break links to remove pin.
LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] I:\Unreal\Projects\Playground\Content\TopDown\Blueprints\BP_TopDownPlayerController.uasset: [Compiler] Could not find a function named "GetCustomDateTime" in 'BP_TopDownPlayerController'.
Make sure 'BP_TopDownPlayerController' has been compiled for GetCustomDateTime
LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] I:\Unreal\Projects\Playground\Content\TopDown\Blueprints\BP_TopDownPlayerController.uasset: [Compiler] Could not find a function named "None" in 'BP_TopDownPlayerController'.
Make sure 'BP_TopDownPlayerController' has been compiled for GetCustomDateTime
This looks like it can’t load the plugin, but it is loaded. It invalidates all the nodes in the blueprint related to this plugin, but I can re-add them, compile, and play with no issues. Next time I restart the editor, samething happens.
Anyone have any clue where I need to look/fix to handle this? Thanks