I have build a game using Kinect4Unreal plugin from Opaque Media and it works perfectly in Unreal Editor 4.6.1.
Then I try to do a build from source of Unreal Editor 4.6.1, with another engine plugin (KinectV2 of Leon from here https://github.com/lion03/UE4-K4W-Plugin/tree/Kinect4Windows-V2-Plugin-4.2). When I load up the newly built Editor, the engine plugin loads fine, but the game plugin Kinect4Real always failed to load. It says:
“The following modules are missing or built with a different engine version:
Would you like to rebuild them now?”
I tried to build from source with Editor 4.5.1 but it does not help.
Some how the Kinect4Unreal (from Opaque) only works with Release build, not custom build. If you want to find out about which build is it, go to Help → About Unreal and see the version, if it ends with “Release”, it’s a release build from Epic Games.
On the contrary, KinectV2 plugin from Leon (lion03) only works when you build it with source, hence custom build.
I have no idea why they can’t stand together. It took me quite a lot of hours to download / build / test with different version of Unreal Editor.
Hi! Thanks for responding. When you say everything, do you mean every version under the “Tools” section, or do you mean absolutely everything, including whatever’s in “Extras”?