Plugin Installation Error (MD-0011-0) After Fab Migration


Could you give the plugin you were having trouble with a whirl for me after restarting your launcher? (

We ran the potential fix for 5.5 and 5.4 versions of that plugin.

Can you fix my plugin?

it’s not installing on 5.5 on Windows 10 and MacOS,
version for 5.3 seems fine


After updating to UE 5.5.1 Metahuman plugin will not update and install with Error code MD-0011-0. As of now I am at a complete standstill on my project with a looming deadline approaching. Any word on when this will be resolved or is there a way to manually install the plugin?

I am running Windows 11.


Soon? This issue was reported almost three months ago and it’s still not fixed

What’s the deal… Metahuman is one of your main plugin products… Why does it not work… This is completely screwing over a huge segment of the community.

Same problem here… no fix… Unreal this is pathetic… do you not test your product? When will this be fixed?

yup same

The MetaHuman plugin should now successfully install to 5.5, including for folks who have updated with the 5.5.1 hotfix.

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incredible it worked thank you so much, Skye.

(post deleted by author)

Are you using MAC or Windows?

(post deleted by author)

Tyvm. I was able to install the updated metahuman plug-in after restarting the launcher

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Hello, sorry to bother you,I may not be clear in English, but I used the Chinese expression
我的UE UniversalInterface插件5.4版本无法下载
“安装失败 – 无法下载安装信息。请稍后重试。错误代码:MD-0011-0”
UniversalInterface | Fab

(post deleted by author)

Its not mine, i have it in my library! I tried to see if it works with 5.1 and it worked, but for some reason every time i try to install it in 5.4 it popps up the “could not download installation information” error. Not sure why :frowning:

Hi folks. Thanks for all of your posts and sharing what’s not working. We’re actively investigating this and will continue to fix these issues as we become aware of them. We’re building tools to proactively identify and prevent these issues but your reports are always helpful.

If you are still having trouble with a plugin or are newly having trouble with a plugin, please first confirm that the plugin is available for your operating system. How to do that? Open the listing, click on the format, and look for the “Supported Development Platforms” under the Compatibility tab.

If the plugin should be compatible with your operating system, please send our support team a message ( ; Ticket type: Content Issues) that includes:

  1. Listing URL
  2. Version of UE you’re using and trying to install the plugin into
  3. The operating system you’re using (Windows, Mac, Linux)

Thanks for your help working through this. :rocket:

We’re going to close out this thread and rely on support tickets to tackle these issues moving forward.