I’m having problems with Flat Nodes plugin, with same error MD-0011-0
Same issue with Blueprint Assist.
Windows, UE5.5.
LogOnline: Warning: OSS: Invalid response. CorrId=UE4-993b18fa41123efff81667851abe99f6-573B91B4492E22D07A0069B38F39DD5C-466FCB4F416BFAFCB1620389147FF781 code=404 errorcode=JsonErrorUnknownCode errormessage=Server error of type JsonErrorUnknownCode errorraw={“Not Found”:“Could not find any manifest download info with artifactId=Blueprin5dd30dcb4d35V14”}
Same here with Blueprint Assist for me. I got curious about whether all code plugins are not available now. I tried downloading and installing the Electronic Nodes, but it was successfully installed.
+1 Need BP Assist ASAP same error here
Sent a support ticket yesterday and they have resolved this now for the Blueprint Assist plugin.
Thanks @SeRroZ @Hyaniner @errata for posting here and letting me know.
Got same error with EosCore …
Windows system on the UE 5.5
I am getting the error on MAC with Actor Lock plugin:
I am also having issues with plugin downloads I keep getting the same error code. Im on Mac trying to download the voxel free legacy for 5.4 any ideas?
Same problem with downloading the epic plugin “Pose Driver Connect”
Error: MD-0011-0
having the same issue. guess I’m glad I’m not alone
Having same issue with this plugin:
Same issue with post:
Issue: “Install Failed – Could not download installation information. Please try again later. Error Code: MD-0011-0”, and my plugin only 5.5 install fail, 5.1 ~ 5.4 install success
Platform: Windows
Plugin: Common Movement V2 -Network Prediction -Climb, Slide, Dash, Aim, Mantle, Stamina | Fab
I have error MD-0011-0 with Voxel Plugin trying to install on Mac UE 5.5. It stopped my developing.
(post deleted by author)
The same problem with UE5.5 version of
The status of EMP-14490 incident has been moved from ‘New’ to ‘Needs Triage’.
Come on Epic… This is getting ridiculous. Everyone was super excited about fab, and it turns out at least for me, to be one of the biggest let downs… At least give the option to download the assets directly instead of through your library… Some people need access to their assets.
My client wrote to me that he cannot install the Camera 360 v3 plugin https://www.fab.com/ru/listings/8128757d-e7ca-4482-92f0-aa520cdea238 , he gets this error Error Code: MD-0011-0 .
Also, other clients write that they cannot add a plugin to the project. Help please.