[PLUGIN] Editor Test Utilities


Recently I created a plugin called Editor Test Utilities. It’s basically a package of automation tests for common asset issues. With tests provided, you can test issues like:

  • Too complex asset dependency/reference chain of the Player Pawn
  • Assets with too big size map (disk size)
  • Meshes with too big triangle count
  • Blueprints with empty ticks or ticks enabled by default
  • Blueprints that use functions like “GetAllActorsOfClass”
  • Blueprints that use pure functions with multiple outputs
  • User Widgets that use bindings
  • Redirectors in the project

Since they’re automation tests, you can integrate them with CI/CD and test your game 24/7.

I also provided Python scripts that trigger those tests. Those scripts can be executed during the editor startup. If a test from a script fails, it will generate a notification in the Message log (if the test is passed successfully, no notification should be added to the Message Log during the editor startup).

I hope this plugin will help you maintain the project in a good state.

Let me know what you think about that.