[PLUGIN] Advanced Blueprint Hotkeys - Custom hotkeys for Blueprint Nodes!

Hi there, fellow Blueprint nerds! <3

I’ve been using Blueprint since it’s release, and finally got tired of having to search for the same nodes over and over. So, I decided to do something about it and have just released my new plugin:

**Advanced Blueprint Hotkeys!


>>Marketplace Link<<](Advanced Blueprint Hotkeys in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace)**

With it you can create your own custom hotkeys for your most used Blueprint Nodes!

Alt + S for a Self node? Sure!

Ctrl + Alt + T for Get Actor Transform? Absolutely!

Shift + Alt + Ctrl + W + A + S + D to add a Custom Event? Why not?!

YOU DECIDE! Use whatever logic or system you want for you very own keyboard shortcuts!

Some personal favorites of mine:

**F: **For-Loop

F + B: For-Loop With Break

**Shift + F: **ForEach-Loop

**Shift + F + B: **ForEach-Loop With Break

**A + T: **Get Actor Transform

**A + W: **Get Actor Position

**A + E: **Get Actor Scale 3D

**A + R: **Get Actor Rotation

etcetera, etcetera… It has sped up my workflow tremendously, not having to right click and search every time I want to add a node. Hopefully it will for you as well!

I’ve tried to make it as easy to use as possible, so there are just a few steps to create a new hotkey:


Then, inside your Blueprint graph, simply hold the bound keys, and click wherever you want the node to appear!


If you have any questions, feel free to ask them here, and I’ll try to answer as best I can!

I hope it will help speed up your workflow as much as it has mine!

// Skye OuO