Plugging in unrelated node breaks my AI movement function?

I have a simple move to function that I use to move my ai player around. When I tell him to go somewhere it checks to make sure it’s valid then moves him, if the movement fails for whatever reason it increases the allowed radius and tries again. Does it a couple times if it fails like 3 times it just stops and says couldn’t access area.

It works well, trying to get interactions going with level objects.(Using the same move to function.) For whatever reason when I add the ability to interact with a specific object it spits out this error on all uses of the function. And I can no longer move my dude anywhere until I unplug the node, then it works fine. Which is weird as I can already interact with the object in a different way, I’m just adding more interactions. So the node to make him walk up to the object is very similar and honestly, is unrelated.

Here’s the pictures

Edit: For some reason using a collapsed graph in the HUD to check the object type breaks it?