Plugging a name variable into a Map Range Clamped returns a 0

I had a value typed into the Map Range Clamped node, but wanted to make it a named variable. I dragged out the pin for In Range B, which keeps the value I had in the field from the node. After that, everything stopped working. I tested the value it was out putting and it returns a 0.0 every time. Reverting to the node only fixed it.


Try to check the value of the variable, maybe it is somewhere rewritten.

Well, the names variable didn’t exist until it was promoted from dragging it off that pin shown in the image. Nothing else could be setting it since it hadn’t existed uet

Hello sarchasm,

After running a few tests on our end, I was unable to reproduce this issue. I have a few questions for you that will help narrow down what issue it is that you are experiencing.

Quick questions:

  1. Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
  2. If so, could you provide a detailed list of steps to reproduce this issue on our end?
  3. Could you provide screen shots of any settings/blueprints that may be involved with this issue?

Hello sarchasm,

We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will follow up.
