Please update the UE5 "Landscape Technical Guide" Documents

Please please update the “Landscape Technical Guide” in the UE5 Documents… I’ve asked questions on the UE5 Forum again and again without any reply’s as to differences and landscape size creation and specs for UE5 Landscapes compared to UE4, and there are SO many confusing so called tutorials on YouTube about the process - Some stating we have to still abide with UE4 tech specs for UE5 Landscapes, others that basically we can build Landscapes of any size now that UE5 is using the 64bit real world coordinate systems that are possible in UE5…

An update of the UE5 Landscape Technical Guide is desperately needed to resolve all the confusing different approaches that these online tutorials are demonstrating to people who need to learn the correct ways to implement Large real world landscapes into UE5… Please please update the UE5 “Landscape Technical Guide” Documents. Thank you! :wink:

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