Please Update the epic launcher to make it more intuitive

hey guys i have been using epic launcher for ages now and it bugs me that the launcher hasent had any major updates. as of now its slow loading and it feel very standard. the friends list is very plain. also the layout doesent feel all to well i realy hope thay take the time to make it more user friendly. Please epic Update the launcher and make it more user friendly
also am not saying make it the same as steam but even steam feels more like home in the way of using it. i realy would like to see epic stick more time into there launcher .am also a unreal user so i have been using epics products for a long time now but yea.

am also wondering about what you guys think ?

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Hey there @jokerice88,

Hope you’re well!

Thank you so much for your input. Definitely a wonderful idea! Have you considered putting this suggestion in the “Feedback for Unreal Engine” section for the forums?

Thanks so much for jumping into the conversation and helping to build the Unreal community.