Please support the namespace for UClass

Currently I’m creating a plugin in Unreal Engine

I would like to use a namespace to avoid name collisions in class names.
I found out that UClass doesn’t support namespaces.

Currently, we avoid name collisions by giving the class a unique name, but there is no complete workaround if there is a change on the Engine side in this way.

In fact, UE4.27 successfully created a Plugin Package.

However, in UE5.0, an error occurred in the Plugin Package.

The error message also says that the class name is duplicated.

When I checked the engine code, I could see the class name with the same name as the class I created.

No error occurs when creating a class, it does occur during Package.

From the above, would you please support namespaces to avoid name collisions?

If that isn’t possible, is there a better way?

Thanking you in advance.

I am also wondering why namespace for UCLASS, USTRUCT is not supported until now?

I do not understand.
Why doesn’t Epic support something as basic as this…
Anyway, the workaround you can do on the C++ side is
・use unusual class names
・Add your own preflex to the class name
I can’t think of anything other than this.

In any case, be careful with class names when writing plugins.