Please split "Got Skills? Looking for Talent?" forums section

Please split the “Got Skills? Looking for Talent?” into one subforum for people who want to sell stuff and one subforum for people who want to buy stuff. At the moment it’s really confusing, especially since many people dont manage to put the correct tags in their title.

Actually, I think you should even split both “search” and “offer” sections into “Graphics”, “Sound” and “Code” subforums. If one is searching one of these you usually don’t care about all the other stuff. At the moment it’s really a pain to only search e.g. people who offer music, since some don’t put “music” in the title so the search function won’t work and so you have to go manually through dozens of pages and read all titles to find people who offer music.

Also ‘real jobs’ should have their own section as well and do not allow ‘royalty’ based projects.
Royalty based work is not a real job.
‘Unpaid’ topics should be moved to a collaboration section, not mixed with job offers.

The way things are mixed makes this forum look highly amateurish and unprofessional.

Maybe a forum called Collaboration, with sub forums for Free Collaboration, Looking for Work, and Providing Work.

This is something I’ve had a look at in the past, Stand by!

Nothing changed yet :confused: As Bruno said at the moment it looks “highly amateurish and unprofessional”.

I wouldn’t split it into ‘code’ ‘graphics’ and such because many times you can be looking for various individuals

but I agree it should at least be split into paid jobs, collaborative unpaid projects looking for people, and people who sell things. maybe also people who look for paid jobs / collaborative unpaid projects

Then you first search for coders, then you search for artists etc. The point is that you can actually do it in efficient way.

Always for coders first though, it should be made a rule :wink: