I’m a programming for 10 years, I created android apps using Android Studio, Python AI and ML; I know how to code in Java, C#, C++ and many more but i really need some explaining that tutorials seem to skip or they just simply cant explain!!
I worked on unity for 3 years! I created some of the most advanced game and indie games that are featured in Xbox and Nintendo show case
I’m having a really hard time transitioning to Unreal Engine:
I know that Scripts in unity are some code that you add to a game object (Actor) so they give them Functionality… I think I know now that Scripts here are not like that because their the Actor them selves, The code is the core of the object if you want to give them like shape or something you need to drive a Blueprint class or the hard way initiate them in begin play. There is no object to place in world before you create the class, the code IS the game object (Actor), Is it correct?
How Actors talk to each other? in unity you say whatever you collide with, get a reference to that and then call some function! OR you would give it the direct reference like exposing it to editor and dragging and dropping the Prefab(BP Actor) so it knows what to instantiate etc… now I really cant understand how this works in Unreal Engine Like i want to tell the Code in an Actor that player shot you go and reduce your health by this amount, how this really works? how 2 actors talk to each other? also where is this master script (Game Manager in Unity) that controls the flow of game and like spawns other actors or so on…
tutorials seem to reach to end before explaining this every time, It may seem basic but when there is no explanation this happens!