Please remove the 5-review minimum rule, for reviews to show up.

I agree. This current system really serves no purpose. It doesn’t serve sellers as it’s super hard for getting reviews for small time sellers and big sellers don’t really need any extra publicity. It doesn’t serve buyers as it informs about nothing. I suspect it only serves Epic as it is a checkbox for 'implementing a review" feature and makes it super safe for them to avoid any legal liability or extra work for handling complains to unfair reviews or unfairly removed reviews.


There is no reason a seller would want the ability to have a 1 star review kill their product on release. The only people who benefit from what you are proposing is people who review bomb stuff.

Side note: what does pointing out illogical comments on a forum have to do with fab being “a fair marketplace”? I am not stoppign you from leaving 1 star reviews, they just wont be seen until a fair average has been accumulated from various customers.

While I don’t entirely disagree with the 5 ratings minimum, I think it should be really important to at least display all the ratings to the creator of the pack, even if they are not displayed for the public.

As VertexMachine said, it can take a lot of time to reach 5 reviews, and it would be really bad to find out that you had a lot of bad reviews in those 5 because maybe the product has some issue that you didn’t saw or anything like that… Or even issues that could even have been caused by a bug from FAB since it’s not so uncommon (missing folders, wrongly renamed files, not being able to download assets,etc).


Steam has a threshold of 10 reviews before it shows the average review score.
Under 10 reviews, Steam still shows the number of reviews, and you can scroll down and read the reviews. However, instead of an average review score, Steam displays this message:
“Need more user reviews to generate a score”

10 reviews is too much for FAB.
1 review would be a fit.


When I was studying at the university, the rule was that the lowest grade of all the grades of the exams wasn’t taken into account for calculating the average grade for the student. (For example if you did 5 exams, 2 with the grade of 30/30, 2 with 28/30 and one with the grade of 25/30, your average grade would be 29/30 despite that one bad grade).

I think a similar approach could be a better way to solve the problem, instead to put a 5 rating minimum. (Let’s say one has 3 reviews, 2 of 5 stars and one of 1 star, the average would be 5 stars and the 1 star review is discarded, but with 3 reviews a 5 stars and two 1 star, the average would be (5+1)/2=3 star with again one 1 star review discarded)

However, imho, stars without a written review are completely useless for both sellers and buyers.
So I don’t know if it’s worth focusing on them right now, even if it hurts I’ve not only lost the written reviews, but also the ratings for a few recent products I had on MP.

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That’s actually a very nice way of doing this imo.
But still, it doesn’t change the fact that as a seller you should be able to see the reviews, even when you don’t have reached the 5 minimum. This surely shouldn’t be that hard to do

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I’m a larger seller and even I agree this mechanic is stupid, it’s hurting the launch of new assets!


That’s why written reviews were ESSENTIAL in filtering these out. The people who troll like that don’t understand enough about the asset to write a coherent review on the actual issues.


Please keep this rule in place or give it to the sellers to choose, one of my new products would be dead in the water right now without it because someone bought it and had issues with fab(not my product) but left a 1 star of my product because they didnt like fab and even admitted it wasnt the fault of my product they just didnt like I told them to contact fab support to get the install from launcher issues figured out(I did give them the common launcher troubleshooting steps).

If this rule was not in place my product would show 1 star even though there are no issues with it. If you are going to remove the rule for paid products then at least give sellers the option to enable or disable the 5 threshold minimum feature so if a bad actor reviews it unfairly we can hide it until a larger review average is formulated or have a policy that sellers can get reviews taken down if they can prove they are lying or misleading, this isnt the first time ive had a bad actor do this.

And a proper way to quickly dispute an unfair rating. I had one client that gave me a 1 star review for no reason(during holiday sale) even though he could have contact me to resolve his issue or even ask for refund.

I feel like some people take this like an ebay, ali rating :pensive:

For small sellers where 1 star can really down the avg rating of a product, it very annoying for me. The whole system of fab is just really bad. No one understands why they decided to re-invent the wheel, they had a working system for search and rating already well made on ue marketplace.


Getting 3 reviews was hard but 5 is almost impossible for new assets, please consider to change it to 3 again


I agree with this, it took me months to get to three reviews on my asset on the old marketplace. Getting to five now seems impossible and it really sucks that these reviews, which were all positive, are hidden now. :frowning:

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the 5 review rule is simply useless and has no raison d’être.
Why does it exist? There’s no reason for anyone to do a review if it isn’t shown.
I say that when I have an asset with a 1/5 rating because feedback is super important…
(even in the case where the rating is wrong, I got a bad rating because the user didn’t understand how it worked without reading the documentation, not because the asset is bad).
Reviews are important, as is context.

Example : lot of 3D environement sold have doors that can’t be used because the wall and the door are the same 3D object.
That does not mean the asset is bad but if i can’t tell the seller what is the issue how will it be fixed ???