Please reconsider requiring and publishing the phone number of traders

I just tried to verify myself as a trader but it is asking me for a phone number which it wants to verify. I do not have a phone number for my company and I don’t want to publish my private/personal phone number because of spam.


Please reconsider requiring and publishing the phone number of traders. I will not be able to continue selling or supporting my products.


I think we can hide some of the information if this is correct:

,If your business address or business phone number is the same as your personal address or personal phone number, you will be given the choice of whether to display the information publicly’’

I just went through verification and it displays my first second and last name, support e-mail address, and country

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I honestly hate this regulation. A series of robberies happened in Sweden recently. Due to the easy access to private information people who proved themselves having decent earnings have been targeted right at their homes by the armed criminals. Sweden! In general extremely safe country. One of the safest, to be clear. What do we do? Right, changing the policy so the traders from less safe areas are forced to share their private info with the world. “Hey look! I have a decent amount of assets and lots of reviews on my page! You can find me in your neighboring district!” That is truly an awful change and I feel sorry for all the artists who might become an easy target soon enough.