Please provide us a "Creator Block" feature for fab.

There is so much scam assets as well as an inhuman amount of AI generated assets (which doesn’t have the CreatedWithAI tag) being sold in the store by many creators.

It can be very helpful for everyone to have the option to completely remove specific creators from their personal Fab search.

It’s a deeply concerning and growing problem, and I know the Fab team will have a hard time squashing such cases because of manpower and lack of a barrier to entry. It’s going to be super helpful for everyone to get a block feature to somewhat mitigate this problem to an extent.

Thanks for the feedback. I’ll add this to our feature request tracker.

Can you please share some examples of “scam assets” and AI generated assets that are not tagged correctly?

Thank you @PadreZippo

An example being sellers like these. For disclaimer, I do not know how to prove these seller are selling AI generated music, but the sheer frequency and volume of assets being uploaded everyday points to it being someone gaming the market using AI generated assets without explicitly stating it as being AI generated.

Not just that, both accounts might be from the same person selling the same things. Even the thumbnails are the exact same, only thing different being the prices. Examples being -

Deep Afrobeat Agony / Deep Afrobeat

Deep Afrobeat Agony / Deep Afrobeat

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Not hard to find if you browse for a few minutes. I’d also love the ability to block certain sellers. Favorite others. And have saved filters.

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